Top Reliable Car Engine in Nigeria

Top Reliable Car Engine in Nigeria.

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Top 10 Reliable Car Engine in Nigeria

One of the major factors to look at when purchasing an auction car or fairly used car from the US is the engine, in fact, the current condition of the engine of a used car is basically the value determinate factor for the car, which is the basis of it having a second-hand value or not. There are different models and car engine series you can count out there ranging from a model of cars to their plug counts.

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Well, we have taken the time to picture the types of cars mostly used in Nigeria and their engine performance.

If you see any vehicle that intrigues you and wants to get them via auction or buy used tokunbo cars in Nigeria, simply contact us:


35B ABISOGUN LEIGH, OGBA IKEJA, Lagos @back of excellence hotel.

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My name is Ambali, I am an auto expert when it comes to car bidding . We have various certified licenses to bid on cars from USA, we offer services that covers car inspection, Buying, Trucking , shipping and clearance from the port in Nigeria. We are CERTIFIED to import reposes, neatly used vehicles and brand new cars to Nigeria from various auction companies in USA. Contact us on +2348023851599 for insight and consultation services


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